M-am cam saturat de oameni care au o parere despre toti si toate... si de cele mai multe ori nu se pot abtine sa nu ti-o impartaseasca fie ca ai tu chef sau nu de parerea lor...
Poate acum o sa ziceti ca si eu am o parere despre oamenii care tot timpul au pareri :)) (well asta e...blogul meu...parerea mea :P )
Postarea aceasta este in mod special pentru 2 fete extraordinare :) ... Nu le-am gasit blogurile decat de curand... dar asta nu ma impiedica sa am deja o ...PARERE :)) ... buna, evident!
Fetele astea doua(L. si B.D.) cam au parte de ”fani inraiti” in ultima vreme :)) asa ca special pentru ele:
Superchick - Hey, Hey
Some people you can never please
You might as well just let them be
They mock everything not their own
From their imaginary throne
But I won't bow down,
even if the whole world thinks I'm crazy
So hey hey, this song is for us
So put your hands in the air
if you're crazy like us
Hey hey
Hey hey, that's freedom you hear
Comin' right to your ear,
that's the sound from our bus
Hey hey
Why try to be like someone else
When you can only be yourself? No one can sing the song you do
Be true, be legendary you
So I won't sell out,
even if the whole world thinks I'm crazy
Why kiss the feet of the people who kick you
When you can be anything that you want to?
Ma intreba cineva cum ma simt la noua varsta :)) ... i-am zis ca nu ma simt mai diferit ca la 16 ani :P ... Poate doar mai mult curaj in exprimare ;)) I'm on my way to being ~legendary ~ me (trimitere la ~Hey, Hey, Hey - Superchick~)
Superchick - Alive
Don't bury me I'm not yet dead
Don't bury me I'm not yet dead
Don't bury me I'm not yet dead
Not a walking zombie with no head
Not a Stepford wife made to obey
Don't want to go through life that way
I'm alive,
I'm alive,
That's what I say
I'm alive,
I'm alive,
Gonna live that way
I'm alive,
I'm alive,
That's what I say
I'm alive and
I'm gonna live today
Do robots dream of electric sheep?
I need to live my dreams not just in my sleep
I've been holed up here but it's time to leave
I need to make my move while I've air to breath
Don't give me drugs
No novocaine
I must be alive 'cause I still feel pain
We were born with wings
We were made to fly
We were meant to live while we're still alive im alive,im alive thats what i say im alive, im alive and im gonna live that way.
Am primit o urare frumoasa ieri: sa am o viata plina de culoare... O impartasesc si cu voi! :)
Omul =
faptura minunata creata de Dumnezeu ca incununare a creatiei Lui.
In Biblie gasim scris ca noi suntem Templul Duhului
Sfant... eu inteleg prin aceasta ca inclusiv trupurile noastre sunt Templu, si
ar trebui tratate ca atare.
Pe vremuri tocmai pentru a arata o delimitare clara intre
crestini si lume existau anumite diferente, in imbracamite... In zilele noastre
unii duc la extreme aceasta diferentiere, sau lipsa ei -fiecare va cunoasteti bisericile si
traditiile lor. Ca in orice lucru, eu cred ca Duhul Sfant ne da discernamant,
deoarece echilibrul este de dorit... Nu vi s-a intamplat niciodata sa treceti
pe strada pe langa ”frati” si sa va fie rusine ca sunt stiuti drept crestini...
Nu am nimic cu persoanele care poate nu au resurse financiare, dar totusi apa
si sapunul in Romania nu cred ca sunt o problema, daca se vrea...
Cu ce te ajuta oare ca ai baticul pe cap tot timpul, dar
pe sub el iti joaca serpii ca Medusei din mitologia greaca? Cu ce te ajuta ca
nu porti stiu eu ce piesa vestimentara sau accesoriu, daca fata iti este
mohorata si esti tot timpul pus pe cearta?
Aduceti-va aminte cat de frumos impodobit era Templul in
vechime, le facea placere israelitilor sa se duca acolo...
Dar cand vine vorba de Templul actual...cati mai gasesc
ceva placut?
Este datoria noastra ca si crestini, sa avem grija de
ceea ce am primit, si asta include trupul nostru.
Odihna regulata, igiena zilnica, dieta sanatoasa toate
duc la armonie...
Cineva zicea o data ca nimeni nu te poate face sa te
simti inferior decat daca tu il lasi sa faca acest lucru...
Dumnezeu ne-a creat frumosi si noi trebuie sa ne
comportam ca atare.
Melodia zilei:
Superchick - Rock What You Got
This one's for the beaten down
The ones who lost their rock and roll
Rise up you lost ones, claim your crown
You were born to rock inside your soul
Welcome misfits, orphans, all
The ones who feel they don't belong
You were made to rock, so stand up tall
Go rock the world and prove them wrong
Rock what you got
Rock what you got
Don't ever let them make you stop
Rock what you got
Light up the lot
No one can rock the way you rock
This one's for originals
Who strike out towards the great unknown
Fear not the missteps, take the falls
The rock you find will be your own
Rock what you got
Rock what you got
Don't ever let them make you stop
Rock what you got
Light up the lot
No one can rock the way you rock (x2)
This one's for the beaten down
Who gave up on their rock and roll
Lift your eyes from what drags you down
You were born to rock inside your soul
Rock what you got
Rock what you got
Don't ever let them make you stop
Rock what you got
Light up the lot
No one can rock the way you rock (x3)
De cateva zile bune mi se invarte prin cap aceasta postare... si daca nu-mi da pace... m-am gandit sa o postez mai repede decat avusesem planuit.
Acum cateva saptamani cand am plecat la lucru... Am vazut ceva interesant :)) ... Asa in intunericul de pe la ora 5 dimineata, am vazut o broasca... Mno o sa ziceti, mare branza... bravo tie :)) Ca de-obicei mintea mea ocupata de RTC mi-a adus aminte de o melodie... Superchick - Princes and Frogs ... Ma gandeam oare cate broaste trebuie sa sarute o fata sa-si gaseasca printul?... Si ce parere o sa aibe printul cand afla cate broaste a sarutat printesa lui pana la el?... Sau si mai rau ce te faci daca pana la urma trebuie sa te multumesti cu cine stie ce brotac?... en fin... ganduri mai sunt... dar le adaugati voi pe-ale voastre... Va las cu melodia de la Superchick... enjoy! and be careful who you kiss... sau in alte cuvinte :)) ai grija ce doresti s-ar putea sa primesti :P (nu-i a mea vorba)
Superchick - Princes and Frogs
All princes start as frogs
All gentleman as dogs
Just wait till it's plain to see
What we're growing up to be..
Coz some frogs will still be frogs
Some dogs will still be dogs
But some boys can become men
Just don't kiss us till then
You hate men is what you say
And i understand how you feel that way
All girls dream of a fairy tale
But what you got's like a used car sales
Man, trying to conceal what's wrong
Behind a smile and a song
And i'm not saying that boys are not like that
But i think you should know (You should know)
That some of us will grow
All princes start as frogs
All gentleman as dogs
Just wait till it's plain to see
What we're growing up to be..
Coz some frogs will still be frogs
Some dogs will still be dogs
But some boys can become men
Just don't kiss us till then
You found him is what you say
And we all want you to feel that way
But the frog you've got seems cute enough to kiss
And maybe frogs seem like that's all there is
But just because you haven't found your prince yet
Doesn't mean you're still not a princess
And what if your prince comes riding in
While you're kissin' a frog
What's he gonna think then?
So look into his eyes
Are you a princess or a fly?
All princes start as frogs
All gentleman as dogs
Just wait till it's plain to see
What we're growing up to be..
Coz some frogs will still be frogs
Some dogs will still be dogs
But some boys can become men
Just don't kiss us till then
PS: poza e de mai demult... :)) nu iau aparatul cu mine dimineata cand ma duc la lucru :))
nu am avea oameni in jurul nostru, pe cine am practica iubirea si iertarea?
Fiecare dintre noi am beneficiat de iertarea si iubirea
lui Dumnezeu. Uneori ne este greu sa credem ca primim totul fara plata,
conceptul de har este greu de inteles pentru persoane obisnuite sa munceasca
pentru tot ceea ce au.
Atunci cand intelegem ca noi nu mai avem nimic de adaugat
la harul lui Dumnezeu, ca nu trebuie decat sa acceptam ceea ce am primit si sa
traim o viata dupa voia lui Dumnezeu... atunci ne va fi usor sa dam mai departe
iubire si iertare celor din jurul nostru.
Cand primesti ceva fara plata, cand Dumnezeu iti cere sa
dai ceva, inseamna ca ti-a dat ceva ca sa poti da mai departe... asa cum ai
primit: fara plata!
Melodia zilei:
Jimmy Needham - Forgiven and Loved
Tell me I'm forgiven and loved
'Cause I hear it from the street corner priests
On how God is love and how man can be clean
But my joy has been on holiday
And my peace has almost passed away
Tell me I'm forgiven and free
O I tried and tried to rectify my hopeless situation
But I bought the lie I still have work to do
Now I'm working nine to five like I can earn my own salvation
But there is no condemnation in You
O whisper to me now that it's for real
'Cause in the silence of these walls righteousness lost its appeal
Dirty deeds have done me in
O but that can't stop the faithful friend
Giving mercy once again as You heal
Here it is I'm feeling it
O He died, He died to rectify my hopeless situation
And His blood commands my guilt to leave
Now on Calvary I stand
Empty pockets, open hands
O there is no condemnation for me
Child, you're forgiven and loved
Child, you're forgiven and loved
Child, you're forgiven
And child, you are loved
Child, you're forgiven and loved
caut un loc sigur unde sa ma ascund, Inima Ta imi pare cea mai potrivita
Va par cuvinte/stari cunoscute? Poate le-am experimentat pe propria piele,
poate i-am facut pe altii sa le simta...
Dar nu stiu cum, parca atunci cand le simtim pe propria
piele, ne dorim sa fugim undeva sa ne ascundem...
Inima lui Dumnezeu pare cea mai potrivita alegere ca sa fim
la adapost de furia lumii...si poate uneori de propriile noastre esecuri...
Poate daca vom renunta putin la egoismul care pare atat
de inradacinat in noi, nu va mai trebui sa ne ascundem in Inima Lui, pentru ca
Inima Lui va invalui lumea intreaga, cu lumina ei de aur...
Melodia zilei:
Salvador - Corazon De Oro
Si es posible
Con la mente cerrada, la luz no puede entrar
No te lo voy hacer complicado
Ya no te estes complicando
Es increible
Que por al nombre de Dios estoy salvado
Por tu nombre estoy salvado
Y si no es asi, es que no es asa
No te hecho mentira, digo la verdad
Ahora ya no tengo miedo
Que ahora no camino como un ciego
Si es posible
Por donde que yo miro, no lo puedo evitar
No te lo voy hacer complicado
El amor de Dios me llama
Es increible
Y respondo con toda mi alma
Por tu nombre estoy salvado
Si no tienes control, no mires hasta el sol
Si tiene algun tamano, tiene algun valor
Y mira lo que esta pasando
La caravana se va caminando
CORO I: Corazon, grande de oro
Brillara sobre el mundo
Infinito de bondad, sabiduria, poder y grandeza
En la salud del cuerpo, en la serenidad del animo, en el conocimento
Alegria en nuestros hogares, verdad y justicia en todas partes
Fue, es y sera toda poderosa tu voluntad
Y siempre brillara
CORO II: Y siempre billara en el mundo
Y me ves arrepentido
Escuchas al afligido
Salvame, Dios mio, salvame
Y dame, antes que de cuenta
Para que yo me arrepienta
En tiempo preciso, amen