29 august 2011

Funny Moment

De la stanga la dreapta: Papa si Arhiepiscopul de Canterbury
(Sursa: Ghidul Imaginar Al Figurilor Religioase Contemporane)
:)) Aceasta poza nu se vrea a fi denigratoare la adresa personajelor care se presupun a fii subiectul acestei poze :))
Ieri am fost la nunta la verisorul meu, Dani ( Dumnezeu sa va insoteasca pe acest nou drum, Dani & Patri! ) si pe la sfarsitul mesei, se pare ca imaginatia fratelui meu si a mea... au fost putin cam in hiperactivitate... Daca e sa dati vina pe cineva, Alina si Patri sunt de vina... Patri a vrut modelul asta de servetele... si Alina le-a impachetat... =))
Sper sa va aduca un zambet pe buze...Stiu ca eu inca mai zambesc cand ma gandesc la ziua de ieri :)

26 august 2011

... friday night lyrics ... (19)

Francesca Battistelli - Worth It

Love's not a feeling
Love's not convenient
But I know love will change your life
Love takes sacrifice
Love cuts like a knife
Sometimes love will make you cry
Love's not easy
But it's worth it

Love is a hunger
But love won't leave you empty
See it's the language of the heart
Love can steal your pride
But love won't let you hide
It takes everything you've got
Love's not easy
But it's worth it

What you gonna do when the bottom falls out
And you're left with nothing but your fear and your doubt to hold to
Who will hold you?
Where you gonna run when it's all on the line
And you're looking for someone to save your life
To save your life

Love can hear you
Love can heal you
If you let it inside
Oh, remember now
Love's not easy
But it's worth it

What you gonna do when the bottom falls out
And you're left with nothing but your fear and your doubt to hold to
Who's gonna hold you?
Oh, where you gonna run when it's all on the line
And you're looking for someone to save your life
To save your life

Love can hear you
I know love will heal you
If you let it inside
Oh, remember now
Love's not easy
But it's worth it

19 august 2011

Daily Bread (11)

Noi – tu si eu – vase de lut ce pot ascunde comori nepretuite.
Noi suntem coroana creatiunii. Dumnezeu ne-a creat pentru a-I aduce slava. Dar de asemenea ne-a oferit posibilitatea de a alege. De a alege cui vrem sa slujim. De a alege ce fel de comori strangem in inima. El nu este departe de noi daca Il cautam din toata inima. Ne ofera calauzire atunci cand o cerem, doar daca o cerem, Dumnezeu nu se baga cu forta in vietile noastre. Noi suntem cei care alegem sa fim sau nu vase care poarta Comorile Cerului!

 Melodia zilei:
Gerry Asmus - Empty Vessel (2009)
  Asculta  mai multe  audio   traditionala
(R.A. 19.08.2010)

18 august 2011

Supply and Demand

Cerere si Oferta ... Fiecare sunt guvernate de legi clare ...
Ma gandeam zilele astea la dezamagirea intemeiata, uneori, a fetelor: nu mai exista nici un Fat-Frumos pe lumea asta...
Fugitiv mi-au trecut cateva ganduri prin minte ...
1. Cum sa mai existe Feti-Frumosi la oferta cand cererea e pentru broscoi, zmei(bad-boys), extraterestrii si altii de genul? Atunci cand nu mai exista cerere, dispare si oferta din diferite motive (nu intru in asta ca mi-au ajuns 5 ani de economie :P)
2. Ce rost ar avea sa existe Feti - Frumosi, cand noi (fetele) nu ne mai consideram Ilene Cosanzene, nu ne mai vedem la adevarata noastra valoare de PRINTESE, fiice ale REGELUI (Dumnezeu)?

Si de-aici ar putea pleca multe alte ganduri, poate o sa le dezvolt eu candva, poate va vine voua inspiratia sa mai scrieti una alta pornind de la ideile astea :) Astept sa vad de unde se iveste si cum va plezneste inspiratia pe unii sau pe altii :D daca chiar vreti puteti sa lasati un comment cu postarea respectiva in cazul in care ceva de aici va porneste pe un fir propriu al gandurilor...

10 august 2011

... ganduri ... (9)

In the wilderness
Do pretty flowers bloom.
In wild winds
Do trees grow stronger.
In adversities and turmoil
Is faith wellshown.

(R.A. - 08.08.2011 - Plopu)

9 august 2011

Daily Bread ... (10)

Doar Isus, complet si deplin!
Iubirea de oameni, un lucru usor de spus dar greu de infaptuit! Nu am gasit o formula instant care sa te duca la aceasta dragoste AGAPE, dar am descoperit ingredientele acestei formule: credinta, fapta, cunostinta, infranarea, rabdarea, evlavia, dragostea de frati.
Dar cel mai bine cred ca toate acestea se manifesta in plinatatea lor in noi atunci cand suntem permanent, complet si absolut indragostiti de Isus, pentru ca de Isus, de Dumnezeu nu poti sa fii indragostit cu o dragoste egoista. Atunci cand esti indragostit de Dumnezeu te daruiesti si celor din jurul tau, deoarece ai in fata ochilor imaginea de la Golgota, locul unde s-a iubit cel mai mult pe lumea asta, unde s-a iubit complet si pana la capat.

Melodia zilei:
Starfield - Absolutely

(R.A. - 09.08.2010)

5 august 2011

... friday night lyrics ... (17)

WhiteHeart - Desert Rose
Lost in a windswept land
In a world of shifting sand
A fragile flower stands apart
There on that barren ground
You feel like the one
Trying to serve Him with all your heart

And you wonder, wonder
Can you last much longer
This cloud you are under
Will it cover you

Desert rose (desert rose)
Don't you worry, don't be lonely
Heaven knows, Heaven knows
In a dry and weary land a flower grows
His desert rose

Sometimes holiness
Can seem like emptiness
When you feel the whole world's laughing eyes
But if it's a lonely day
Know you're on the Father's way
He will hear you when you cry

And He will hold you, hold you
Your Father will hold you
He will love you, love you
For the things you do

Desert rose (desert rose)
Don't you worry, don't be lonely
Heaven knows, Heaven knows
In a dry and weary land a flower grows
His desert rose

Desert rose...

2 august 2011

Death ... or maybe not :)

Our body sometimes is so weak...
Young or old, we each have the same disease...
Some call it passing away,
Others death... Or maybe
It's name isn't known yet.
For some, alone in life,
It's just a slip into oblivion,
For others, with lots of friends,
It's just becoming a memory
Of all things shared.
But for us... For all of us who know Jesus,
The Son of our God,
The One who defeated
Death on the cross...
For all of us...
The disease is no more!
It's only the cure
For having everlasting life and joy!

(R.A. - 06.10.2009)

1 august 2011

... moments of grace ... (9)

Saptamana aceasta este ziua de nastere a unei foarte dragi prietene :) ... Am primit harul sa fim impreuna la acea data, dar va fii intr-un loc unde nu este acces la internet :) Asa ca ... postarea de azi ii este dedicata anticipat :)
Laurix dear... Happy Birthday and may DADDY give you blessings beyond measurement!