28 mai 2012

Daily Bread (57)

Frumusetea a fost ideea lui Dumnezeu!
Peste tot in jurul nostru vedem frumusete, daca stim cum sa ne uitam la ceea ce ne inconjoara.
Frumusetea a fost ideea lui Dumnezeu, atat in exterior cat si in interior! Dar pacatul a pervertit chipul lui Dumnezeu care se reflecta in noi.
Auzi peste tot: offf cum imi sta parul; vai ce nas am; oare de ce sunt bruneta si nu blonda, de ce creata si nu cu parul drept; de ce ochi caprui si nu albastri... Hai sa admitem, ca pentru anumite ”defecte” exista solutii care sa nu atenteze la ceea ce a lasat Dumnezeu pentru fiecare din noi... Dar ce te faci cand realizezi cata uratenie exista in interior? Cum repari daunele lasate de droguri, de alcool, de promiscuitate...de o dieta nesanatoasa? Ce te faci cand simti ca nu mai ti-a ramas nimic frumos?
Iti aduci aminte a cui a fost ideea frumusetii si poate ajungi la concluzia ca frumusetea exista in noi si poate fi restaurata de Cel care a inventat-o... Trebuie doar sa ceri acest lucru...
Fara rusine... Dumnezeu iti cunoaste drumurile si gandurile, stie unde-ai fost, dar Ii pasa mai mult de locul spre care te indrepti.

Dumnezeu ne-a facut frumosi ... Si sa nu uitam asta!!!

Melodia zilei:
Jacob Thomas - 04  I Made You Beautiful
  Asculta  mai multe  audio   rnb
It’s too hard to see the sun
Under this cloud of things I’ve said and done
Starting to frighten myself
Is this really me or am I someone else
Jesus I need You tonight

Child I’m right by your side
But Lord You don’t know where I’ve been
Child I know every fault every sin
Then how can You still love me now
I‘m so broken and ugly and filled with self doubt
Child my love knows no end
I care where youre going not where you’ve been

‘Cause I made you beautiful and I made you kind
And I gave you a heart so  you’d seek after mine’
And I died on the cross so that someday you’d live
And if you’re the only I’d do it again
‘Cause you’re beautiful
I made you beautiful
You are so beautiful

Jesus teach me how to be more like You I’m tired of being like me
Child surrender your heart
Jesus it’s Yours’take it break it apart
Just promise You won’t let me go
Child I’ll never let go

‘Cause I made you beautiful and I made you kind
And I gave you a heart so  you’d seek after mine’
And I died on the cross so that someday you’d live
And if you’re the only I’d do it again
‘Cause you’re beautiful
I made you beautiful
You are so beautiful

Thank You Jesus I finally see
I‘m beautiful because You created me

(R.A. - 27.05.2012 pentru 28.05.2012)

20 mai 2012

Daily Bread (56)

Tristetea sa infloreasca unde poate, dar nu in inima ta!

De cate ori nu auzim persoane care se plang de tristete, poate chiar noi am facut-o intr-un moment sau altul in viata noastra.
Oare de ce pesimismul, tristetea, incruntarea, sunt mult mai usor de simtit, de facut decat optimismul, bucuria, zambetul?
Avem atatea motive de bucurie, de fericire, de incantare... si totusi ne concentram pe acele cateva motive/situatii care ne supara, ne irita, ne intristeaza...
Imi doresc ca fiecare dintre noi, sa putem vedea frumusetea din jurul nostru, ceea ce Dumnezeu ne daruieste in fiecare zi si sa mai lasam tristetea la o parte, floarea ei sa infloreasca pe unde vrea, dar nu in inimile noastre, acolo sa fie doar bucuria lui Christos!

 Melodia zilei:
Salvador - Black Flower
  Asculta  mai multe  audio   rnb
A voice says cry - what shall I cry?
To the children who’ve fallen from grace
All this life - will fade away
Let the black flower grow where it may
(For) in Sharon grows - A rose who knows
How to flourish the flower in the rain
And blessings fall - as blossoms fade
Let the black flower grow where it may


The sun is gonna shine tomorrow
The good and the bad both feel the rain
Faith, hope and love outlive our sorrow
Let the black flower grow where it may

In the garden - of our lives

One million flowers bloom joy
That God paints - The Lily of the Valley reigns
Let the black flower grow where it may


In Zion - the black flower never blooms

Its darkly faint perfume - has finally been consumed
In Zion - Go upon the mountain high
And see the risen Christ – The rose that will not die


(R.A. - 20.05.2012)

* poza preluata de AICI

12 mai 2012

Daily Bread (55)

Prin sangele lui Isus suntem curatiti, dar procesul de pastrare a curatiei este unul zilnic!
Cu totii stim faptul ca odata cu Adam pacatul a intrat in lume si-a pervertit tot ceea ce Dumnezeu a creat frumos si neprihanit.
Domnul Isus a venit si prin jertfa Lui ne-a oferit posibilitatea de-a deveni curati.
Si totusi odata ce-am acceptat aceasta curatire, ispitele sunt tot acolo, diavolul nu adoarme dintr-o data doar pentru ca noi am renuntat la lume si l-am acceptat pe Christos. Cineva spunea odata ca daca nu vin ispite in viata noastra ar trebui sa incepem sa ne punem intrebarea daca nu cumva satan e sigur de noi si nici n-are nevoie sa-si mai bata capul incercand sa ne duca la pacat. Bineinteles nu spun ca ar trebui sa cautam ispite cu lumanarea, departe de mine asa ceva. Dar atunci cand acestea vin, nu trebuie sa intram in panica, ci trebuie sa fim siguri ca avem pe Cineva mai puternic decat noi, care nu ne lasa singuri niciodata! Si daca cumva ... cumva totusi pacatuim, nu trebuie sa ne cufundam in depresie, pentru ca Dumnezeu inca iarta, procesul de curatire, de sfintire, este unul zilnic. In fiecare zi ar trebui sa mergem la Dumnezeu si sa-i cerem putere sa trecem biruitori prin ispite, si atunci cand totusi cadem, primul lucru nu e justificarea ci cererea de iertare.
Eclesiastul in capitolul 7 in versetul 13 spune urmatoarele cuvinte: ” Numai, iata ce am gasit: ca Dumnezeu a facut pe oameni fara prihana, dar ei umbla cu multe siretenii.” de cate ori oare nu am incercat totusi sa ”pacatuim” curat, daca exista asa ceva. Sa gasim scuze, sau moduri in de exprimare care sa imbrace pacatul in haine albe? Ar trebui sa ne facem un inventar si sa ne cerem iertare de la Dumnezeu pentru toate ”smecheriile” pe care de multe ori incercam sa le facem. Sa fim intotdeauna curati in fata Lui, pentru ca iertarea noastra nu vine prin mijloace proprii ci prin jertfa Fiului Sau. Noi doar trebuie sa veghem la curatia noastra.

Melodia zilei:
Classic Petra - Clean
You might see me stumble, you might see me fall
You might see me cornered with my back against the wall
I may be incognito, maybe out to lunch
Maybe caught red-handed or maybe just a hunch

But I'm clean, clean, clean, clean, clean before my Lord
Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean before my Lord
Like a spotless lamb, I'm blameless in His sight
With no trace of wrong, left to right
I'm clean, clean, clean

Kneeling in the closet, begging daily bread
There may be a skeleton hanging overhead
Where are my accusers, nowhere to be found
They all dropped their stones when the master came around

'Cause I'm clean, clean, clean, clean, clean before my Lord
Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean before my Lord
Like a spotless lamb, I'm blameless in His sight
With no trace of wrong left to right
I'm clean, clean, clean

I've missed the mark I can't deny it
I don't condone or justify it
But I've done nothing that His blood can't wash away
When I take it to the cross and start to pray

Hey, I'm talking to you
Hey, He's gonna see me through
Hey, I'm talking to you

I'm clean, clean, clean, clean, clean before my Lord
Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean before my Lord
Like a spotless lamb, I'm blameless in His sight
With no trace of wrong left to right
I'm clean, clean, clean

(R.A. - 11.05.2011)

10 mai 2012

Daily Bread (54)

Căci binele pe care vreau să-l fac, nu-l fac, ci răul pe care nu vreau să-l fac, iată ce fac! (Romani 7:19)

Daca te obisnuiesti cu compromisuri mici atunci cand vor veni teste importante va fi destul de greu sa faci ce este corect. A face bine nu functioneaza pe pilot automat... Ca sa faci binele este nevoie de vointa si devotament. In schimb raul, sta lipit de noi, e in firea noastra pamanteasca si foloseste orice ocazie cat de mica sa iasa la iveala. Asa cum zicea si Pavel raul pe care nu vrei sa-l faci totusi il faci... iar binele pe care ti-l doresti sa-l faci din tot sufletul, pe acela nu-l faci!
Noi de unii singuri nu valoram nimic, dar atunci cand traim in bratele milei lui Dumnezeu, total dependenti de harul pe care nu-l meritam inca avem sanse sa ramanem oameni dupa Inima Lui!

Melodia zilei:
The Hoppers - Living In The Arms Of Mercy

Songwriters: Joel Edward Lindsey, Jeffrey Sean Silvey
Verse 1
I admit I’ve walked too closely
To the edge of compromise
And I’ve even crossed the line a time or two
And I understand why Paul could say
‘Oh God, why do I do the things that I
Don’t want to do’
But I’m still very much a man
After His own heart
And You alone can win this war
Between light and dark

So I’m..Living in the arms of mercy
Totally dependent on the grace I don’t deserve
Living in the arms of mercy
Lord, I’m down to next to nothing
But I’m trying to be worth your forgiveness
So I’m living in the arms of mercy

Verse 2
Someday I will rise above it
And I’ll soar on wings of faith
‘Til I fly to wear my spirit wants to go
And although it seems so far away
From where I am from day to day
Your peace is in my soul
For now I’m still a traveler
On this journey to your will
So let me take my refuge here
Where hope is sacred still


I can’t imagine me without the peace and love you give
So let me take my refuge here where my hope can truly live


 (R.A. - 10.05.2012)

*Poza preluata de AICI

6 mai 2012

Daily Bread (53)

Dumnezeul tau e mai mare decat ingrijorarile tale? Sau acestea sunt pur si simplu insurmontabile?
Ingrijorari peste ingrijorari, oriunde te uiti, orice auzi, orice citesti, toti se ingrijoreaza de toate. Si noi? Copii Celui Atotputernic, ce facem noi? Ingrijorarile noastre ne coplesesc, sau le lasam sa lucreze spre slava lui Dumnezeu? Alegem noi constient sa umblam prin credinta nu prin vedere? Stim sa aratam spre Dumnezeu atunci cand iesim biruitori din incercare? Isus a murit in vazul lumii pentru pacatele mele si-ale tale si noi sa nu putem sa-i multumim in vazul lumii? Oare de ce ne e rusine sa zicem: Dumnezeu m-a ajutat si-I multumesc!!! Celelalte religii sunt mandre de dumnezeii lor, ii cinstesc, le multumesc cu fiecare ocazie. Si noi? Noi uneori uitam pana si sa spunem: Tata multumesc pentru bucata asta de paine, e mult mai mult decat au altii...
Imi doresc ca ingrijorarile sa ne zideasca credinta, sa nu ne uitam la ele ca la ceva insurmontabil, ci ca la ceva ce lucreaza prin noi slava lui Dumnezeu.
Melodia zilei:
Petra - Not By Sight

Words by John Slick
Based on 2 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 5:1-5, Habakkuk 2:3-4, Galatians 5:16-24, Hebrews 6:11-12

Sometimes we're runnin' along

Blind to where we're goin'
Sometimes we lose our bearings
When the storm is blowin'

They say this shadow land is only temporary

These light afflictions work a great eternal glory


Walk by faith, not by sight
Strengthened by His glorious might
Walk by faith, not by sight
Heading for that land of light
Walk by faith and not by sight

Sometimes we ain't so sure

He sees us when we're kneelin'
Sometimes we forget salvation ain't a feelin'
We know that Jesus died for our justification
We grow in His image by suffering tribulations

Hold fast your confidence

You've got an invitation
To meet Him in the air
at His revelation.

(R.A. - 05.05.2011)

*Poza preluata de AICI

4 mai 2012

Daily Bread (52)

Binecuvantarea poate veni uneori deghizata!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care isi impart painea cand aceasta este pe terminate!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care desi nu au de dat decat un pahar cu apa rece il dau cu un zambet si-o vorba buna!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care se roaga pentru cauze aparent pierdute!
Binecuvantati sunt cei ce iubesc atunci cand nimeni nu o mai face!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care au curajul sa-si afirme Credinta!
Binecuvantati sunt cei carora nu le este rusine de Isus!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care alearga la Dumnezeu in ziua necazului lor!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care isi traiesc viata alaturi de Domnul!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care fac din Cuvantul Domnului ghidul vietii lor!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care isi cresc copiii in cunoasterea Dumnezeului adevarat!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care slujesc fara plata!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care atunci cand nu au nimic de dat – se dau pe ei insisi!
Melodia zilei:
Audrey Assad - Blessed Are The Ones

We're tossing pennies in the well,
Empty pockets all turned out.
Happy shining blessed are the ones who hunger.

When our poverty is plain,

I'll try to burn it in my brain
Trace a line around your face to paint a picture.

So further up and further in we have nowhere else to go.

As we plant the seeds of toil and tears
It's beauty we have sown.

Blessed are the ones,

Oh blessed are the ones,
Blessed are the hungry ones.

Lets build a house with turned out doors,

So we can share what love affords.
Pour ourselves out like a wine that we've been saving.
When our well is running dry,
And when we raise our glasses high
And we're shining on the faces of the thirsty.

So further up and further in we have nowhere else to go.

But you give us seeds of toil and tears
It's beauty we have sown.

So blessed are the ones,

Oh, blessed are the ones,
Blessed are the thirsty ones.


Love is all yeah love is all.

Love is all yeah love is all.
Love is all we need.

So further up and further in we got no place else to go.

And when all we have is what we need it's joy that we will sow.

Blessed are the ones,

Oh, blessed are the ones,
Blessed are the hungry ones.

We are blessed, yeah.

(R.A. 03.05.2012 pentru 04.05.2012)