10 mai 2012

Daily Bread (54)

Căci binele pe care vreau să-l fac, nu-l fac, ci răul pe care nu vreau să-l fac, iată ce fac! (Romani 7:19)

Daca te obisnuiesti cu compromisuri mici atunci cand vor veni teste importante va fi destul de greu sa faci ce este corect. A face bine nu functioneaza pe pilot automat... Ca sa faci binele este nevoie de vointa si devotament. In schimb raul, sta lipit de noi, e in firea noastra pamanteasca si foloseste orice ocazie cat de mica sa iasa la iveala. Asa cum zicea si Pavel raul pe care nu vrei sa-l faci totusi il faci... iar binele pe care ti-l doresti sa-l faci din tot sufletul, pe acela nu-l faci!
Noi de unii singuri nu valoram nimic, dar atunci cand traim in bratele milei lui Dumnezeu, total dependenti de harul pe care nu-l meritam inca avem sanse sa ramanem oameni dupa Inima Lui!

Melodia zilei:
The Hoppers - Living In The Arms Of Mercy

Songwriters: Joel Edward Lindsey, Jeffrey Sean Silvey
Verse 1
I admit I’ve walked too closely
To the edge of compromise
And I’ve even crossed the line a time or two
And I understand why Paul could say
‘Oh God, why do I do the things that I
Don’t want to do’
But I’m still very much a man
After His own heart
And You alone can win this war
Between light and dark

So I’m..Living in the arms of mercy
Totally dependent on the grace I don’t deserve
Living in the arms of mercy
Lord, I’m down to next to nothing
But I’m trying to be worth your forgiveness
So I’m living in the arms of mercy

Verse 2
Someday I will rise above it
And I’ll soar on wings of faith
‘Til I fly to wear my spirit wants to go
And although it seems so far away
From where I am from day to day
Your peace is in my soul
For now I’m still a traveler
On this journey to your will
So let me take my refuge here
Where hope is sacred still


I can’t imagine me without the peace and love you give
So let me take my refuge here where my hope can truly live


 (R.A. - 10.05.2012)

*Poza preluata de AICI

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