4 mai 2012

Daily Bread (52)

Binecuvantarea poate veni uneori deghizata!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care isi impart painea cand aceasta este pe terminate!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care desi nu au de dat decat un pahar cu apa rece il dau cu un zambet si-o vorba buna!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care se roaga pentru cauze aparent pierdute!
Binecuvantati sunt cei ce iubesc atunci cand nimeni nu o mai face!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care au curajul sa-si afirme Credinta!
Binecuvantati sunt cei carora nu le este rusine de Isus!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care alearga la Dumnezeu in ziua necazului lor!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care isi traiesc viata alaturi de Domnul!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care fac din Cuvantul Domnului ghidul vietii lor!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care isi cresc copiii in cunoasterea Dumnezeului adevarat!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care slujesc fara plata!
Binecuvantati sunt cei care atunci cand nu au nimic de dat – se dau pe ei insisi!
Melodia zilei:
Audrey Assad - Blessed Are The Ones

We're tossing pennies in the well,
Empty pockets all turned out.
Happy shining blessed are the ones who hunger.

When our poverty is plain,

I'll try to burn it in my brain
Trace a line around your face to paint a picture.

So further up and further in we have nowhere else to go.

As we plant the seeds of toil and tears
It's beauty we have sown.

Blessed are the ones,

Oh blessed are the ones,
Blessed are the hungry ones.

Lets build a house with turned out doors,

So we can share what love affords.
Pour ourselves out like a wine that we've been saving.
When our well is running dry,
And when we raise our glasses high
And we're shining on the faces of the thirsty.

So further up and further in we have nowhere else to go.

But you give us seeds of toil and tears
It's beauty we have sown.

So blessed are the ones,

Oh, blessed are the ones,
Blessed are the thirsty ones.


Love is all yeah love is all.

Love is all yeah love is all.
Love is all we need.

So further up and further in we got no place else to go.

And when all we have is what we need it's joy that we will sow.

Blessed are the ones,

Oh, blessed are the ones,
Blessed are the hungry ones.

We are blessed, yeah.

(R.A. 03.05.2012 pentru 04.05.2012)

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