23 decembrie 2011

Daily Bread (26)

Mai ferice este sa dai decat sa primesti!
Cateodata simti ca nu ai nimic de dat... Stai tu cu tine insuti in liniste, si-ti spui trist: As vrea sa dau ceva, as vrea sa fac o bucurie... ce frumos ar putea sa arate viata mea daca pur si simplu as avea posibilitatea sa FAC ceva, sa DAU ceva... Si dupa-aceea tot tu iti raspunzi: dar ce sa dau?, ca nu am nimic, de unde nu exista nimic nu ai ce da mai departe...
Nu stiu daca v-ati simtit vreodata asa, eu da, si am ajuns la concluzia ca atata vreme cat iti dai seama ca nu ai lucruri prea mari sau prea scumpe de dat, dar totusi ceea ce dai, dai cu bucurie, atunci viata ta are sens, poate niciodata multi oameni nu o sa te cunoasca, poate niciodata nu ai sa fii apreciat de mase, dar intotdeauna va fi macar o persoana care va spune: mi-a zambit in fiecare zi :)
Noi prin puterea noastra nu putem sa dam nimic de la noi, nici macar o vorba buna. Dar in inima in care locuieste Duhul Sfant, vor exista intotdeauna cel putin cuvinte de incurajare care sa poata fi date mai departe.
Poate la aceste Sarbatori te simti mai pustiu ca niciodata, dar asta nu te impiedica sa te duci la Izvorul de Dragoste si Har cu o inima goala, dar gata sa fie umpluta. Si astfel ceea ce dai mai departe sa fie ceva de calitate, putin din plinatatea harului lui Dumnezeu, putin din dragostea Lui, care sa incalzeasca inimile celor de langa tine.

Melodia zilei:
Matthew West feat. Amy Grant - Give This Christmas Away

What if I told you
You have the power
To give someone hope
Beyond their wildest dreams
What if I told you
It’s right there in your hands
In your hands

It’s hard to imagine

How something so small
Can make all the difference
Tear down the tallest wall
What if December
Looked different this year
What if we all just

Give this Christmas away

If there’s love in your heart
Don’t let it stay there
Give this Christmas away
And your life will be changed
By the gifts you receive
When you give this Christmas away

It’s feeding the hungry

Serving the poor
It’s telling the orphan
You’re not forgotten anymore
It’s doing what love does
Even when no one’s watching you

Give this Christmas away

If there’s love in your heart
Don’t let it stay there
Give this Christmas away
And your life will be changed
By the gifts you receive
When you give this Christmas away
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Son
So we could be
His hands, His feet, His love
His love

What if I told you

You have the power
To give someone hope
Far beyond their wildest dreams
What if December
Looked different this year
Yah what if we all just

Give this Christmas away

If there’s love in your heart
Don’t let it stay there
Give this Christmas away
And your life will be changed
By the gifts you receive
When you give this Christmas away

Give this Christmas away

You have the power
Just give it away
Give it away
Give it away
This Christmas
Give it away
Give Christmas away
Give it away

(R.A. - 23.12.2010)

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