Biblia - Instructiuni de baza inainte de-a parasi pamantul
Evanghelia in miniatura: Fiindca atat de mult a iubit
Dumnezeu lumea ca a dat pe Singurul Lui Fiu ca oricine crede in El sa nu moara
ci sa aibe viata vesnica.
In Biblie gasim de toate, parafrazandu-l pe David Phelps:
Biblia este un best-seller, istorie si mister la un loc.
Pe paginile Bibliei gasim promisiuni, mustrari, legi,
sfaturi, retete si multe altele.
Biblia contine instructiunile de baza pentru viata
noastra inainte de-a parasi acest pamant.
Daca aplicam ceea ce gasim pe paginile Bibliei vom trai o
viata completa pe acest pamant, si una perfecta in vesnicie.
As putea spune multe, dar este mai bine ca fiecare dintre
noi sa citeasca si sa urmeze Instructiunile!
Melodia zilei:
Burlap To Cashmere - Basic Instructions
Basic instructions before leaving Earth...
For God so much loved the world,
That he gave His one and only son.
That whoever believeth in Him
Shall not die but live on.
Living on...
Through the son
Peace almighty
Living on,
Let your heart go
To the one.
Yes the road is narrow.
Yes the road is tough.
But whoever remaineth in Him
Shall not die, but lift up.
Basic instructions before leaving Earth
For God so much loved the world,
That he gave His one and only son.
That whoever believeth in Him
Shall not die but live on.
Living on...
Through the son
Peace almighty
Living on,
Let your heart go
To the one.
Yes the road is narrow.
Yes the road is tough.
But whoever remaineth in Him
Shall not die, but lift up.
Basic instructions before leaving Earth
(R.A. 25.07.2012 pentru 26.07.2012)
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