3 decembrie 2012

Daily Bread (88)

Traim zilele din urma... de foarte multa vreme!

De cand Domnul s-a inaltat la cer, toti au inceput sa se gandeasca la zilele din urma.
Au trecut mii de ani de-atunci si oamenii, atat crestinii cat si ceilalti se gandesc tot la zilele din urma.
Expresia ”traim zilele din urma” e folosita atat de des incat deja e un cliseu.
Nu neg adevarul expresiei, dar imi displace faptul ca suntem concentrati pe zilele din urma si nu facem nimic in ziua de AZI!
Apatie in ceea ce facem, apatie in ceea ce afirmam, apatie in ceea ce suntem... Si ne place...
Oare daca am sta mai putin sa calculam cand va fi sfarsitul si mai mult sa-i ajutam pe cei din jur sa nu se teama de sfarsit... nu ar fi asta o activitate mai benefica Imparatiei?
Citim poezii si alte creatii scrise acum mii de ani si par reale ca si cum autorul le-ar fi scris ieri...
Ceea ce a fost va mai fi, si daca ai gandit ceva, a existat altcineva candva care a gandit fix acelasi lucru... Noi suntem unicat dar desertaciunea este universala...
Traim intr-o stare de urgenta continua si cel mai rau este ca uneori nici nu realizam acest lucru.
Ne-am obisnuit cu pacatul, nu asa cum este el definit de anumite traditii religioase, ci pur si simplu... noi suntem si el este, nu ne mai ridicam impotriva lui pentru ca ... simtim ca nu are rost... mai exista sclipiri de constiinta... uneori cand e prea tarziu...
Nu ma uit mai departe de lungul nasului... de oglinda din baie sau cea de pe peretele sifonierului... Mi-e mai usor sa nu am pareri decat sa apar unele contrare sistemului/curentului/majoritatii...
Cand s-a pus intrebarea: Cine va rupe pecetile?Cine va ridica pacatul lumii?Cine va aduce salvare si har? Cine va merge pentru noi? ... Isus nu a raspuns plictisit: Egal, Whatever, Hai ma, ca ma duc eu... Isaia nu a zis: Pfoai... iarasi eu???tot eu???...
Sunt zilele din urma ... de foarte multa vreme... stare de urgenta perpetua... Si eu?... Mie mi-e egal? Sau sunt gata sa afirm: Iata-ma! Trimite-ma!!!

Melodia zilei:

Benjah & Dillavou - Nine One One

So see the little children
Them a struggle to survive
In a world with no guidance
A false teaching on the rise
Try to get an education
But them are worried 'bout them lies
Stand amount than a story then
Fighting guns and knives

They gone teach about the universe
Killing formation on God
Science fiction and die histories yo
The education is a fraud

Wheres the justice and equality
For the people of God?
Can't pray, can't say,
The truth dem take away
Abomination to the Lord, oh

9-1-1 it's an emergency
9-1-1 it's an emergency
9-1-1 it's an emergency
9-1-1 it's an emergency

The founding fathers who have faith
Now they wanna take God outta everything and just change it
Were headed back
Back to babylon
It's been prophesised, can't you read the signs?

Can't play in school
Abide by the rules
But they read stories ?
Must protect our kids
System wants to rid
Everything God lead full of righteousness

They don't want God but when disaster strikes
The prodigal sons comes running full stride
I will not apologize, christ I cannot hide
Stand strong stand bold full of grace and pride

And my Lord said don't look unto me
God chose a low to take 'em high without trees
True redemption, God gave wisdom
But some things are doomed, so there's no use fixin'

9-1-1 it's an emergency
9-1-1 it's an emergency
9-1-1 it's an emergency
9-1-1 it's an emergency

Here me,

The gospel will stay, and never go away
Almighty will judge upon the last day
The gospel will stay, and never go away
The people of God will rise up and say

The gospel will stay and never
Almighty will judge upon the last day
The gospel will stay, and never go away
The people of God will rise up and say:

9-1-1 it's an emergency
9-1-1 it's an emergency
9-1-1 it's an emergency
9-1-1 it's an emergency

Lord come quickly.

  (R.A. - 02.12.2012 pentru 03.12.2012)

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