Cand suntem aproape de Domnul avem parte de fericire, adapost, si lucruri minunate de povestit.
Puterea noastra vine din apropierea fata de Dumnezeu, cu cat suntem mai aproape de El cu atat suntem mai fericiti, mai in siguranta. Atunci cand Dumnezeu este locul nostru de adapost nimic nu ne poate zdruncina. Probleme vor aparea, cel rau va incerca sa ne faca sa ne indoim, dar Dumnezeul nostru este singurul care face minuni(Psalmul 72:18). El este singurul care ne poate oferi siguranta atunci cand ne incredem cu toata inima in El.
Melodia zilei:
Petra - More Power To Ya
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Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on Isaiah 40:31
Based on Isaiah 40:31
You say you've been feeling weaker, weaker by the day
You say you can't make the joy of your salvation stay
But good things come to them that wait
Not to those who hesitate
So hurry up and wait upon the Lord
More power to ya
When you're standing on His word
When you're trusting with your whole heart in the message you have heard
More power to ya
When we're all in one accord
They that wait upon the Lord, they shall renew, they shall renew their strength
Jesus promised His disciples He'd give strength to them
Jesus told them all to tarry in Jerusalem
When they were all in one accord
The power of His Spirit poured
And they began to turn the world around
So be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
Put on all His armor and fight the good fight
In all of our weakness, He becomes so strong
When He gives us the power and the strength to carry on
You say you can't make the joy of your salvation stay
But good things come to them that wait
Not to those who hesitate
So hurry up and wait upon the Lord
More power to ya
When you're standing on His word
When you're trusting with your whole heart in the message you have heard
More power to ya
When we're all in one accord
They that wait upon the Lord, they shall renew, they shall renew their strength
Jesus promised His disciples He'd give strength to them
Jesus told them all to tarry in Jerusalem
When they were all in one accord
The power of His Spirit poured
And they began to turn the world around
So be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
Put on all His armor and fight the good fight
In all of our weakness, He becomes so strong
When He gives us the power and the strength to carry on
Amin! Dumnezeu este turnul nostru de scapare.