27 martie 2012

Daily Bread (46)

Doamne, curateste-ma prin sangele Tau si umple-ma pe deplin cu al Tau Spirit!

 Sangele lui Isus ne spala de pacate, credinta in jertfa Lui ne ofera mantuirea si viata vesnica, Duhul Sfant ne este oferit ca Mangaietor si Calauza. Dar trebuie sa fim gata sa acceptam calauzirea Lui, sa ne dorim sa fim plini de Duh. Atunci cand ai Duhul lui Dumnezeu in tine, altceva nu mai are loc.
Ne intrebam unde au disparut oamenii seriosi, cred ca ar fi timpul sa renuntam la intrebari retorice si sa ne punem pe treaba!
Nu conteaza cat sunt de seriosi altii, seriozitatea lor nu o sa te duca pe tine in cer, dar atunci cand tu esti un exemplu bun, ceilalti il pot vedea pe Hristos si pot ajunge in cer!
Zilele trecute am auzit o idee destul de interesanta, ni s-a cerut sa nu ne mai rugam in mod general, sa nu mai zicem: ”umple-ne cu Duhul Tau” ci ”umple-ma cu Duhul Tau!”... Incercam atat de mult sa nu parem egoisti, si ajungem sa ratam binecuvantarile care Dumnezeu le-a pregatit pentru noi pentru simplul fapt ca nu le cerem!
Imi doresc sa am parte de toata frumusetea pe care Dumnezeu a pregatit-o pentru mine.

Melodia zilei:
Kevin Max feat. Joanne Cash - One Way, One Blood
And there is one star to guide us, one light to remind us,
One tie that binds us - one way, one blood,
And there's a life-giving Spirit,
One voice - can you hear it?
One hand that don't fear it,
One way to love.

You see me faltering in this wilderness, cut down by fears and by need,

With your light guiding me I can find the path, but I always seem to wander far from thee.

And there is one star to guide us, one light to remind us,

One tie that binds us - one way, one blood,
Give me peace everlasting, joy all encompassing,
Your word is all I need,
One way to love.

See me running on with this emptiness, fuelled by frustration and by grief,

Your unbending grace, it heals my waywardness and it brings me all the peace this life can bring.

And there is one star to guide us, one light to remind us,

One tie that binds us - one way to love,
And there is one Holy Spirit,
One voice - can you hear it?
One hand that don't fear it,
One way to love.

One way to love.

Take my indiscretions, take my inhibitions,

Take my foolish waste of time, take my whole life,
Take my poorest measure, take my kingly treasures,
Take my secret pleasures - one way, one blood.

And there is one star to guide us, one light to remind us,

One tie that binds us - one way, one blood,
There's a life-giving Spirit,
One voice - can you hear it?
One man that don't fear it,
One way to love.

(R.A. - 26.03.2012 pentru 27.03.2012)

25 martie 2012

Daily Bread (45)

Doamne, trezeste-ma!!!
Nu v-ati simtit niciodata farisei?Falsi? Purtand o masca?Mediocrii?
Puteti sa raspundeti nu, si e posbil ca sa auziti in acelasi timp in constiinta voastra cuvantul: MINTI!
Fie in situatii mici, fie in situatii mari, cel putin o data ati si am purtat o masca.... Pacat ... Dumnezeu ne-a creat frumosi, ne-a creat pentru slava Lui... si noi... folosind masti, incercam sa ne ascundem unii de altii, dar pe Dumnezeu nu-l putem pacali!
Poate am ajuns sa credem ca suntem bine asa cum suntem, ca nu exista loc de mai bine... Nu-i adevarat!!! Intodeauna exista loc de schimbare in mai bine, mai ales cand vine vorba de relatia noastra cu Dumnezeu... Din nefericire, uneori, schimbarea asta vine prin mustrare, prin probleme, prin ”scuturare”.
Nu dau exemple, pentru ca sunt multe si lasa un gust amar, dar ar fi bine sa ne uitam la noi insine inainte sa aratam cu degetul spre altii. Exista o vorba in popor: ”cine are cap de sticla, sa nu arunce cu pietre”... Fie ca atunci cand mustram, sa mustram cu dragoste, si-atunci cand primim mustrari sa le luam cu un ”strop de sare” trecand totul prin filtrul Scripturii!
Fie ca trezirea sa inceapa cu MINE!

Melodia zilei:
Steve Camp - Shake Me To Wake Me
I was born in a religious town
That had a very good name
Everybody wore their faith around
Like a ball and chain
People living so carefully
Trying to keep the image clean
But underneath all the sanctity
Things were not what they seemed, oh no

Salvation was nice and neat

It had four little laws
And that arrangement was fine with me
Cause it didn't really cost nothin'
But something that I read in my bible one day
Really shook my world
Jesus was talking 'bout Pharisees
He was talking 'bout me
So I fell to my knees and said

Shake me to wake me

I've been living too long in this fantasy
Shake me to wake me
Got to strip this man of mediocrity

Sometimes, when my heart is proud

I get full of myself
Self-righteousness will bring you down
I ain't better than nobody else
Other times, I drink the wine of complacency
I get comfortable, lackadaisical, so cynical
So I call to my Lord and say

Shake me to wake me

I've been living too long within this fantasy
Shake me to wake me
You've got to strip this man of mediocrity

You were born in a religious town

That had a very good name
You were wearing your faith around
Like a ball and chain
You've been living so carefully
Trying to keep the image clean
But Jesus is talking 'bout Pharisees
About you and me
You better fall to your knees and say

Shake me to wake me,

I've been living too long within this fantasy
Shake me to wake me
You've got to strip this man of mediocrity
Shake me to wake me
I've been living too long within this fantasy
Shake me to wake me
I been sleeping too long, put some fire in me

Put some fire in me

Oh, you got to shake me
Oh, you got to wake me, Lord
Lost in a fantasy

( R.A. - 25.03.2012 )

19 martie 2012

Daily Bread (44)

Frica – iata un sentiment care nu trebuie lasat sa-si faca locuinta in viata copiilor lui Dumnezeu.

TATA... mi-e frica... mi-e frica de esec... mi-e frica sa vin din nou in fata Ta si sa-ti cer iertare pentru neascultarea care Te-a ranit atat de mult... mi-e frica sa apar din nou murdara in fata Ta... mi-e frica sa Te vad dezamagit de mine... mi-e frica sa intind mana spre Tine, si poate sa raman cu ea intinsa... mi-e frica sa mai sper binecuvantari, cand nu Ti-am adus cinste si onoare... mi-e frica pana si sa cer indurare... mi-e frica...
Si totusi... TU... Tu ma iubesti... Iti simt caldura dragostei care ma invaluie exact atunci cand poate sunt pe punctul de-a ma pierde in negura fricii...
Multumesc... TATA... multumesc pentru tot... chiar daca nu merit... Multumesc pentru speranta si imi cer iertare... pentru toate celelalte rele... dar mai ales pentru frica...
Melodia zilei:
Carman - Fear Not My Child
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In myself I failed the Lord
Then was afraid to try once more
That fire in my soul had fled
Thats when Jesus came and said

My spirit, gives the strength you need

to raise you up and to succeeed
and for vision in the night
to you I'll give these words of light

fear not my child

Im with you always
I feel every pain
and every tear I see

Fear not my child

Im with you always
I know how to care
for what belongs to me

He said my child dont look behind

Discouragement is all you'll find
dont watch the waves that roll the sea
just focus your eyes on me

And I will make you strong and then

your shattered courage I will mend
and if you fall and should get hurt
remember these eternal words

fear not my child

Im with you always
I feel every pain
and every tear I see

Fear not my child

Im with you always
I know how to care
for what belongs to me

I know how to care

for what
belongs to me

(R.A. 19.03.2011)

16 martie 2012

Daily Bread (43)

Anumite lucruri se termina - bunatatea lui Dumnezeu niciodata!
Inca auzim de ”criza” intr-o forma sau alta, parca dintotdeauna oamenii sunt in criza... Chiar si atunci cand au tot ceea ce le trebuie, mai auzi cate unul: ”Daaaa, am eu tot ce-mi trebuie, dar parca tot ar mai fi loc de cate una, alta...”
Ce bine ca in mijlocul acestor felurite crize, noi ca si copii ai lui Dumnezeu putem fi siguri de bunatatea infinita a Tatalui nostru.
Poate daca ne-am concentra mai mult pe binecuvantarile pe care le primim, inima ne-ar fi mai multumitoare. Si-o data cu o inima multumitoare va veni si-o viata plina de pace!

Melodia zilei:
The Isaacs - No Shortage
There's no shortage on God's mercy, no shortage on God's love.
Verse 1:
There's a shortage on corn, a shortage on wheat. Got a shortage on beans, a shortage on meat. The things that are needed we just can't hardly buy. Why there's even a shortage on air in the sky.
But I know a great thing there's no shortage of. There's no shortage on God's mercy, no shortage on God's love.
Verse 2:
There's a shortage on fuel, a shortage on gas. Got a shortage on wood, a shortage on glass. The things that we've wasted are now precious to buy. Well there's even a shortage on air in the sky.
But I know a great thing there's no shortage of. There's no shortage on God's mercy, no shortage on God's love.
God is love and mercy unending. His precious love will leave you no doubt. When from Satan you need defending, God has supplies that will never run out.
Verse 3:
There's a shortage on friendship, a shortage on smiles. Got a shortage on neighbors, though they're millions for miles. Thank heaven for one thing there's no shortage of.
There's no shortage on God's mercy, no shortage on God's love.(x2)

(R.A. 15.03.2012 pentru 16.03.2012)

5 martie 2012

Daily Bread (42)

Dumnezeu vorbeste ... Tu asculti?
Totul in jurul nostru ne vorbeste, ne invata, ne reaminteste, ne picteaza in culori minunate un Dumnezeu maret si extraordinar... Totusi o maretie si o frumusete de multe ori intunecata de pacat, sau mai bine zis, ochii nostri sunt intunecati de pacat si de-aia frumusetea lui Dumnezeu apare distorsionata.
Uneori Dumnezeu foloseste moduri neconventionale pentru a ne vorbi: un rug aprins, un susur bland, o magarita incapatanata cu abilitati oratorice demna de orice predicator, cateva zile in umezeala din interiorul unui peste urias, invierea cuiva care era deja mort de patru zile...  Atatea si-atatea situatii si moduri in care Dumnezeu se reveleaza, dar intrebari logice ar fi: Noi auzim? Si daca auzim, ascultam? Aplicam, traim in conformitate cu ceea ce auzim din partea lui Dumnezeu?
Dumnezeu niciodata nu va renunta sa incerce sa ajunga la inima noastra, noi suntem aceia care trebuie sa ne deschidem complet in fata Lui si sa-L ascultam cu placere, chiar daca poate uneori auzim mustrari. Sa fim gata sa primim si durerea la fel de repede ca si placerea, chiar daca primul impuls este sa ascultam din partea Domnului doar ceea ce ne place, sa nu ne trezim ca va trebui sa foloseasca metode mai drastice pentru a ne face sa ascultam de vocea Lui.

Melodia zilei:
Donnie McClurkin - Speak to My Heart
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Keep on talkin' to me, keep on talkin' to me
Talk to me

Speak to my heart, Holy Spirit
Give me the words that will bring new life
Words on the wings of the morning
The dark night will fade away
If you speak to my heart

Speak to my heart, Holy Spirit
Message of love to encourage me
Lifting my heart from despair
How You love me and care for me
Speak to my heart, Lord

Speak to my heart
(That's what I want You to do)
Speak to my heart
('Cause I'm waiting to hear from You)
Speak to my heart, speak to my heart

Speak to my heart, Lord
Give me Your Holy Word
If I can hear from You
Then I'll know what to do
I won't go alone, never go on my own
Just let Your Spirit guide
And let Your Word abide

Talk to me, talk to me.....
Keep on talkin' to me.....
(R.A. 04.03.2011)

4 martie 2012

Daily Bread (41)

Orice-ar veni, lauda Domnului sa-mi fie pe buze si-n inima!
Cand ti-e greu...Multumeste! ... Cand esti doborat...Lauda! ... Cand ti-e dor...Priveste in sus! ...
Orice vine in viata noastra a trecut prin Mana Lui! Orice e in sufletul nostru e cunoscut de Ochiul Lui!
Gandul si dorul vesniciei a fost sadit in noi de la inceputul lumii, chiar daca diavolul incearca sa-nabuse dorinta noastra dupa Dumnezeu, sa ne ridicam inima spre EL si sa-L laudam!
Orice-ar fi, orice-ar veni... Sa existe un gand de lauda la adresa lui Dumnezeu in inima noastra!

Melodia zilei:
The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - Hallelujah Anyhow
I believe I'll testify
God's been good to me
Through every test and trial
I've got the victory
The enemy has tried his best
To make me turn around me bring me down
But my God's never failed me yet
So I'm gonna stand my ground

No matter what comes my way

I'll lift my voice and say
Hallelujah anyhow'..

Wait a minute one more time

Think I'll say it again
God's been so good to me
And He's my closest friend
I've come to far to turn around now
I'm gonna stand I'm gonna wait
Watch God work it out somehow

No matter what comes my way

I'll lift my voice and say
Hallelujah anyhow'..

Oh, Hallelu Halleu anyhow

Hallelu Halleu anyhow
Hallelu Halleu anyhow
No matter what comes my way
I'll lift my voice
Hallelu Halleu anyhow
Hallelu Halleu anyhow ' I'll keep singing
Hallelu Halleu anyhow
Hallelu Halleu anyhow

(R.A. 03.03.2012 pentru 04.03.2012)