19 martie 2012

Daily Bread (44)

Frica – iata un sentiment care nu trebuie lasat sa-si faca locuinta in viata copiilor lui Dumnezeu.

TATA... mi-e frica... mi-e frica de esec... mi-e frica sa vin din nou in fata Ta si sa-ti cer iertare pentru neascultarea care Te-a ranit atat de mult... mi-e frica sa apar din nou murdara in fata Ta... mi-e frica sa Te vad dezamagit de mine... mi-e frica sa intind mana spre Tine, si poate sa raman cu ea intinsa... mi-e frica sa mai sper binecuvantari, cand nu Ti-am adus cinste si onoare... mi-e frica pana si sa cer indurare... mi-e frica...
Si totusi... TU... Tu ma iubesti... Iti simt caldura dragostei care ma invaluie exact atunci cand poate sunt pe punctul de-a ma pierde in negura fricii...
Multumesc... TATA... multumesc pentru tot... chiar daca nu merit... Multumesc pentru speranta si imi cer iertare... pentru toate celelalte rele... dar mai ales pentru frica...
Melodia zilei:
Carman - Fear Not My Child
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In myself I failed the Lord
Then was afraid to try once more
That fire in my soul had fled
Thats when Jesus came and said

My spirit, gives the strength you need

to raise you up and to succeeed
and for vision in the night
to you I'll give these words of light

fear not my child

Im with you always
I feel every pain
and every tear I see

Fear not my child

Im with you always
I know how to care
for what belongs to me

He said my child dont look behind

Discouragement is all you'll find
dont watch the waves that roll the sea
just focus your eyes on me

And I will make you strong and then

your shattered courage I will mend
and if you fall and should get hurt
remember these eternal words

fear not my child

Im with you always
I feel every pain
and every tear I see

Fear not my child

Im with you always
I know how to care
for what belongs to me

I know how to care

for what
belongs to me

(R.A. 19.03.2011)

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