27 martie 2012

Daily Bread (46)

Doamne, curateste-ma prin sangele Tau si umple-ma pe deplin cu al Tau Spirit!

 Sangele lui Isus ne spala de pacate, credinta in jertfa Lui ne ofera mantuirea si viata vesnica, Duhul Sfant ne este oferit ca Mangaietor si Calauza. Dar trebuie sa fim gata sa acceptam calauzirea Lui, sa ne dorim sa fim plini de Duh. Atunci cand ai Duhul lui Dumnezeu in tine, altceva nu mai are loc.
Ne intrebam unde au disparut oamenii seriosi, cred ca ar fi timpul sa renuntam la intrebari retorice si sa ne punem pe treaba!
Nu conteaza cat sunt de seriosi altii, seriozitatea lor nu o sa te duca pe tine in cer, dar atunci cand tu esti un exemplu bun, ceilalti il pot vedea pe Hristos si pot ajunge in cer!
Zilele trecute am auzit o idee destul de interesanta, ni s-a cerut sa nu ne mai rugam in mod general, sa nu mai zicem: ”umple-ne cu Duhul Tau” ci ”umple-ma cu Duhul Tau!”... Incercam atat de mult sa nu parem egoisti, si ajungem sa ratam binecuvantarile care Dumnezeu le-a pregatit pentru noi pentru simplul fapt ca nu le cerem!
Imi doresc sa am parte de toata frumusetea pe care Dumnezeu a pregatit-o pentru mine.

Melodia zilei:
Kevin Max feat. Joanne Cash - One Way, One Blood
And there is one star to guide us, one light to remind us,
One tie that binds us - one way, one blood,
And there's a life-giving Spirit,
One voice - can you hear it?
One hand that don't fear it,
One way to love.

You see me faltering in this wilderness, cut down by fears and by need,

With your light guiding me I can find the path, but I always seem to wander far from thee.

And there is one star to guide us, one light to remind us,

One tie that binds us - one way, one blood,
Give me peace everlasting, joy all encompassing,
Your word is all I need,
One way to love.

See me running on with this emptiness, fuelled by frustration and by grief,

Your unbending grace, it heals my waywardness and it brings me all the peace this life can bring.

And there is one star to guide us, one light to remind us,

One tie that binds us - one way to love,
And there is one Holy Spirit,
One voice - can you hear it?
One hand that don't fear it,
One way to love.

One way to love.

Take my indiscretions, take my inhibitions,

Take my foolish waste of time, take my whole life,
Take my poorest measure, take my kingly treasures,
Take my secret pleasures - one way, one blood.

And there is one star to guide us, one light to remind us,

One tie that binds us - one way, one blood,
There's a life-giving Spirit,
One voice - can you hear it?
One man that don't fear it,
One way to love.

(R.A. - 26.03.2012 pentru 27.03.2012)

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