4 aprilie 2012

Daily Bread (47)

Adu-ti aminte sa uiti!

Mai demult am auzit de o anumita ilustratie unde era desenata Marea Uitarii (locul unde Dumnezeu arunca pacatele noastre) si langa ea era un semn pe care scria: ”Pescuitul Interzis!” .
Una din armele favorite ale diavolului este propria noastra tinere de minte: iti aduci aminte vorba aceea, tii minte gestul acela, aminteste-ti ce urat ai gandit atunci...
Dumnezeu iarta si uita, atunci cand ne ducem cu sinceritate inaintea Lui! Dar noi? Uitam? Sau il lasam pe satana sa ne aibe la mana cu tot felul de amintiri?
Poate astazi, acum, ar trebui sa renuntam la aceasta arma pe care i-o ”oferim pe tava” diavolului.
Astazi sa alegem sa uitam ceea ce Dumnezeu deja a iertat si-a uitat!!!

Melodia zilei:
The Perrys – Grace Doesn’t Remember

How I wish, I could forget
But these stains, won’t let me yet
How I’d love not to recall
The times I’ve slipped
But then I end up falling
Back into, what might have been
If it had not been for sin
My memory sees, just what I was
But love is blind, and because of His blood
Grace, doesn’t remember, what Jesus forgave
And each time I’m reminded, of my past mistakes
I remember, what’s been forgotten
Through His blood, my sins are erased
And grace, doesn’t remember, //// what Jesus forgave
He looked beyond, what I had been
To what I’d be, because of Him
With His arms, held open wide
He thought of me, and chose to die
Amazing grace, how can it be
That God, Himself, would ransom me
Through the sac/ri/fice He made
The debt sin wrote, was finally paid
Underneath the crimson flow
I stand redeemed, because I know, I know
Jesus forgave
 (R.A. 03.04.2012 pentru 04.04.2012)

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