16 aprilie 2012

Daily Bread (49)

Misterul Jertfei lui Isus poate fi inteles de cei cu inima deschisa...

 In ultimul timp...mai bine zis, de foarte mult timp, am impresia ca sacrificiul e ceva ce se practica foarte putin.
E ciudat cum practicam sacrificiul doar atunci cand in cele din urma iesim cumva in castig...

Jertfa lui Isus pare un mister pentru ochiul neantrenat... Cum a putut cineva, oricine, sa-si sacrifice viata nu doar pentru generatia actuala de oameni ci si pentru cele viitoare?

E un mister acela ca Isus a ales moartea pentru a ne da noua viata vesnica...
E un mister acela ca suferinta a adus vindecare, si infrangerea a fost de fapt o victorie...

Pe langa atatea mistere mai exista si ceva ”ciudat”... Persoanele care au experimentat prezenta Domnului, unele chiar pana in ultimul moment, habar nu au avut exact cu cine stau de vorba, sau cu cine stau la masa, sau cu cine au mers pe drum...

Israelitii asteptau noi vremuri de glorie – Isus a venit pentru a ne deschide calea spre Imparatia Cerurilor.
Israelitii asteptau un campion pamantesc, eliberarea pentru cativa ani din robia in care erau – Isus a fost campionul Ceresc, a invins moartea, pentru a aduce eliberarea de pacate si viata vesnica pentru oricine crede in Jertfa Lui.

O parte din poporul Israel inca il asteapta pe Mesia – Noi stim mai bine... Intrebarea este: Ce facem noi cu informatia pe care o avem? Ce atitudini avem fata de Isus si jertfa Lui? Practicam sacrificiul, sau preferam un egoism comod?

Fie ca intelepciunea de Sus sa ne lumineze mintile si sa avem inimi deschise pentru a intelege pe deplin Misterul Jertfei!

Melodia zilei:
Kerrie Roberts - Beautiful To Me

So much I don't understand
That I'd change if I wrote the story
How pain can heal and death bring life
How defeat can bring such glory
You didn't hold back one breath
You even gave Your last one
So I'd live

It's beautiful to me
Your holy mystery
I'm standing here in awe
Of how you make everything
So beautiful to me
Someday I will see
How You hold this wounded heart
And make it perfect and complete
And it's beautiful to me

I don't deserve Your suffering
I should be the one who's bleeding
But Your broken body gives
This broken spirit what it's needing
You reach through time with Your sacrifice
With wounded hands
Holding this fragile life

It's beautiful to me
Your holy mystery
I'm standing here in awe
Of how you make everything
So beautiful to me
Someday I will see
How You hold this wounded heart
And make it perfect and complete
And it's beautiful to me
Beautiful to me

This seek, this longing
This heart that I've been searching
This moment while I'm breaking
You're here
Your plan, Your promise
A pain that has a purpose
I let you in to use it

And just why Your hands built heaven's arms
You're making me so beautiful

It's beautiful to me
Every mystery
I'm standing here in awe
Of how You make everything
So beautiful to me
So perfect and complete
You warm this wounded heart
Someday I will see
It's beautiful to me
It's beautiful to me
Beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful to me
Beautiful to me


(R.A. - 15.04.2012 pentru 16.04.2012)

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