Libertatea inseamna a stii ca poti face ceva (rau) si totusi sa alegi sa nu faci acel ceva.
Liber in Christos... Cat de ideal suna... Si totusi uneori ne numim liberi, dar ne comportam ca niste sclavi. Avem libertate si totusi alegem sa ne ingradim, sa ne punem in tipare, nu ne-ajunge delimitarea lui Dumnezeu in ce priveste binele si raul, trebuie sa mai facem noi norme, reguli. Ne permitem sa dam directive, sa avem pretentia ca modul nostru de gandire sa fie impus comunitatii. Oare... asta vrea Dumnezeu de la noi? Oare Isus a venit sa moara pentru salvarea noastra, doar ca noi sa avem impresia ca suntem indreptatiti sa alegem cine e salvat si cine nu, cine ajunge in cer si cine nu? Oare Isus in timp ce murea pe cruce se gandea cumva: Tata eu mor doar pentru cei care merg la biserica, doar pentru cei care fac fapte bune, doar pentru cei care fac penitente, doar pentru cei care... Prin sangele LUI suntem salvati prin jertfa LUI avem eliberare de pacate si posibilitatea de-a trai fara o lege care sa ne indeparteze de Dumnezeu. Si totusi ... totusi... alegem sclavia in locul libertatii, gasim atatea si-atatea moduri sa nu fim liberi: oare ce zice fratele/sora... oare se supara X,Y,Z daca spun ca a gresit... Mintea noastra uneori ne joaca feste, stim ca avem libertate in Christos... si totusi parca asta ne ingreuneaza, vedem libertatea ca pe ceva greu, pentru ca odata cu libertatea vine si responsabilitatea, responsabilitatea pentru tine pentru ce crezi pentru ce simti, dar si un pic de responsabilitate pentru cei din jur. Totusi libertatea noastra nu inseamna a calca peste cea a celor din jurul nostru. Libertatea nu inseamna fara limite ci poate doar fara reguli de genu: fiindca asa vrea cutare.
Ce-si doreste Dumnezeu de la noi? Pentru ce-a murit Isus pentru noi? Ce facem noi pentru a implini ce-si doreste Dumnezeu, cum onoram noi jertfa Domnului Isus?
Poate ar trebui sa incepem prin a taia acele legaturi mentale pe care le-am pus libertatii primite...
Caci bunatate voiesc, nu jertfe, si cunostinta de Dumnezeu, mai mult decat arderi de tot! ( Osea 6:6 )
Melodia zilei:
Anthem Lights (Yellow Cavalier) - Freedom Into Slavery
Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I feel
If I didn't know that you'd forgive me
If it wasn't so real
Maybe I would act different
Maybe I would be blameless
With "forgive and forget" left out
Would I still think all this wrong was okay?
Why do I push you away
When I know you keep me going?
Why do I fade black and white to gray
When the lines are clearly drawn?
It seems
(I found a way
I found a way
To turn freedom into slavery)x2
Still it's making me wonder
See, I believe that I'm free
But somehow
Knowing I can do anything has put chains on me
Right here beside you I got all that I need
But still I choose to run away just because I'm free
Why do I push you away
When I know you keep me going?
Why do I fade black and white to gray
When the lines are clearly drawn?
It seems
(I found a way
I found a way
To turn freedom into slavery)x3
I found a way
I found a way
Why do I run?
Just cause I can
I don't even got chains on my hands
No, no
But as I try to justify
You let me go
But you still know
It seems
(I found a way
I found a way
To turn freedom into slavery)x3
(I found a way)
(I found a way)
I found a way
(I have found a way)
I'm free
I'm free
(I have found a way)
I'm free
(I have found a way)
(I have found a way)
Sometimes I feel
If I didn't know that you'd forgive me
If it wasn't so real
Maybe I would act different
Maybe I would be blameless
With "forgive and forget" left out
Would I still think all this wrong was okay?
Why do I push you away
When I know you keep me going?
Why do I fade black and white to gray
When the lines are clearly drawn?
It seems
(I found a way
I found a way
To turn freedom into slavery)x2
Still it's making me wonder
See, I believe that I'm free
But somehow
Knowing I can do anything has put chains on me
Right here beside you I got all that I need
But still I choose to run away just because I'm free
Why do I push you away
When I know you keep me going?
Why do I fade black and white to gray
When the lines are clearly drawn?
It seems
(I found a way
I found a way
To turn freedom into slavery)x3
I found a way
I found a way
Why do I run?
Just cause I can
I don't even got chains on my hands
No, no
But as I try to justify
You let me go
But you still know
It seems
(I found a way
I found a way
To turn freedom into slavery)x3
(I found a way)
(I found a way)
I found a way
(I have found a way)
I'm free
I'm free
(I have found a way)
I'm free
(I have found a way)
(I have found a way)
(R.A. - 20.04.2011)
*poza preluata de AICI
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