Pe când vorbea El încă, iată că
vin nişte oameni de la fruntaşul sinagogii care-i spun: „Fiica ta a murit;
pentru ce mai superi pe Învăţătorul?”
Dar Isus, fără să ţină seamă de cuvintele
acestea, a zis fruntaşului sinagogii: „Nu te teme,
crede numai!”(Marcu 5:35-36)
Isus a
răspuns: „Tu zici: „Dacă poţi!”… Toate lucrurile sunt cu
putinţă celui ce crede!” (Marcu 9:23)
Ai avut vreodata o cerere catre Dumnezeu
care parca nici nu iti venea sa o pui intr-o rugaciune... Nu ti se pare ciudat
cum te duci cu cererei marunte la Dumnezeu si cu cele importante la oameni? ...
Atunci cand ti-ai dorit un miracol, atunci cand aveai o framantare arzatoare ai
mijlocit zi si noapte pentru rezolvarea problemei, pentru implinirea
dorintei... Si nu-i asa... uneori raspunsul la rugaciune a fost unul
neasteptat... Poate ai primit mai mult decat ai cerut, poate ai primit ceea ce
aveai nevoie, poate chiar ai primit cu totul altceva... Devreme sau tarziu, da
sau nu, raspunsul lui Dumnezeu intotdeauna isi face drum pana la noi, niciodata
nu ramanem fara o rezolvare la temerile noastre... Trebuie doar sa avem
credinta... Puterea, frica, disperarea nu au nici o importanta in fata
Nu te teme, crede numai!
Melodia zilei:
Rhema Marvanne - When You Believe
Many nights we pray
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we knew we could, oh yes
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayers so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Now I'm standing here
My heart's so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say
They don’t always happen when you ask
And it’s easy to give in to your fears
But when you’re blinded by your pain
Can’t see you way straight through the rain
A small but still resilient voice
Says love is very near, oh
With no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we knew we could, oh yes
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayers so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
Now I'm standing here
My heart's so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say
They don’t always happen when you ask
And it’s easy to give in to your fears
But when you’re blinded by your pain
Can’t see you way straight through the rain
A small but still resilient voice
Says love is very near, oh
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