23 aprilie 2011

Celebrate in freedom !?! ...

Ieri ne-am adus aminte de suferintele Domnului Isus... Maine vom sarbatori amintirea faptului ca EL a biruit moartea... Dar azi... Azi ce facem? ... Nimic? De toate si nimic? ... O sa ziceti bine bine, ce-ar trebui sa facem azi, ce-i normal nu? Mancare, curatenie, si mai multa mancare si curatenie :)) ca doara e sarbatoare maine, trebuie ca rudele sa ne-admire casa curata, sa aprecieze mancarea... 
Poate totusi, intr-o zi ca asta, cand acum atatia ani, ucenicii se gandeau ca eliberatorul lor nu mai poate face nimic, cand satan credea ca a biruit, poate ar trebui sa ne gandim la faptul ca a existat o perioada,  in care cei buni au fost zdrobiti de tristete si cei rai au jubilat de bucurie... DAR ... pentru ca exista un dar, perioada asta de tristete pentru cei buni este mult mai scurta decat perioada de bucurie care a urmat Invierii...
Noi azi ar trebui sa ne gandim la harul pe care-l avem, sa stim evenimentele zilei de maine, sa stim ca va veni sarbatoarea. Sa stim ca Hristos a inviat atunci si ca e VIU azi!!!
Deci azi ar trebui sa ne bucuram in libertatea care o avem ... Si sa intampinam ziua de maine cu un zambet si sa renuntam la modurile atat de subtile de-a ne transforma libertatea in sclavie...

PS: Sa aveti parte de niste sarbatori minunate alaturi de Isus cel VIU!

Anthem Lights ( Yellow Cavalier ) - Freedom into slavery

Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I feel
If I didn't know that you'd forgive me
If it wasn't so real
Maybe I would act different
Maybe I would be blameless
With "forgive and forget" left out
Would I still think all that's wrong was okay?

Why do I push you away
When I know you keep me going?
Why do I fade black and white to gray
When the lines are clearly drawn?

It seems
(I found a way
I found a way
To turn freedom into slavery)x2

Still it's making me wonder
See, I believe that I'm free
But somehow
Knowing I can do anything has put chains on me
Right here beside you I got all that I need
But still I choose to run away just because I'm free

Why do I push you away
When I know you keep me going?
Why do I fade black and white to gray
When the lines are clearly drawn?

It seems
(I found a way
I found a way
To turn freedom into slavery)x3
I found a way
I found a way

Why do I run?
Just cause I can
I don't even got chains on my hands
No, no
But as I try to justify
You let me go
But you still know

It seems
(I found a way
I found a way
To turn freedom into slavery)x3
(I found a way)
(I found a way)
I found a way
(I have found a way)

I'm free
I'm free
(I have found a way)
I'm free
(I have found a way)
(I have found a way)

2 comentarii:

  1. Doar pentru o clipa ... an itsy-bitsy tiny moment ... "seara vine intristarea ... iar dimineata bucuria ..."
    Un weekend plin de bucurie ... plin de multa multa ... dimineata!

  2. Indeed... si aia e melodie faina :D ... Trading my sorrows \:D/ varianta Israel Houghton & New Breed ;))
