nu este doar ceea ce primesti; este ceea ce dai mai departe.
Se pare ca in acest an imi revine placerea de a face
„onorurile” in ceea ce priveste Valentine’s Day.
Mi-a placut foarte mult ceva ce am vazut pe un site de
socializare, cineva spunea ca pentru toti este Valentine’s Day dar pentru ea este doar o zi de Joi…
Aceasta afirmatie m-a dus cu gandul la faptul ca cineva a ales o zi anume din
an pentru a celebra dragostea, poate unii nici nu stiu exact cine si ce a facut
Valentine asta… Dar totusi dragostea ar trebui celebrata in fiecare zi a vietii
noastre. Atunci cand ni se da porunca: iubeste-l pe aproapele tau, ca pe tine
insuti… nu se adauga, doar de Valentine’s Day … sau doar de ziua de nastere…
sau doar atunci cand iti pica tie bine sa ii arati ca il iubesti.
Te simti
bine atunci cand stii faptul ca cineva tine la tine, cand iti este aratata
dragoste… dar dragostea trebuie data mai departe, nu conteaza formele pe care
le imbraca aceasta actiune.
cred ca falimentam in implinirea poruncii amintite mai sus, tocmai pentru ca nu
am incercat adevarata dragoste, dragostea care duce la sacrificiu, dragostea
lui Dumnezeu.
la fel ca multe altele tine de deciziile pe care le faci… Dumnezeu putea foarte
bine doar sa constate: lumea are nevoie de salvare, poate ar fi bine daca
cineva ar face ceva… si sa se ramana la atata… Daca Dumnezeu nu actiona din
dragoste, cu jertfa… nu ar fi existat salvare, nu ar fi existat vesnicia
disponibila pentru cei care cred…
Fie ca
sa incercam dragostea lui Dumnezeu, sa dam mai departe dragoste autentica, nu
doar intr-o zi pe an, nu doar persoanelor care ne plac… ci tot timpul, tuturor,
chiar daca de cele mai multe ori nu vom primi nimic in schimb.
Melodia zilei:
Christafari feat. Jennifer Howland&Avion Blackman - Try Jah Love
When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do,
Is go to the Scriptures. (time with Jah)
And when I rest my head in the evening,
I give thanks to Jah. (thanks to Jah)
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
You know you keep your good friends close,
And your family closer.
But there is One who loves you the most,
He is your Heavenly Father.
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
(Try Jah Love... try Jah Love...)
Won't you taste and see,
That the Lord is sweet, His Love is so fine.
So won't you taste and see,
That Jah love is sweet, His Love is divine.
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
Some people will be nice,
And they take advantage of you.
(A fair-weather friend)
But He will never leave or forsake you,
He's with you till the end.
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
Come on everybody let's taste,
And see, that the Lord is good.
Come on everybody let's taste,
And see that the Lord is fine.
Come on everybody let's taste,
And see, that the Lord is good.
Come on everybody let's taste,
And see that the Lord is fine
Is go to the Scriptures. (time with Jah)
And when I rest my head in the evening,
I give thanks to Jah. (thanks to Jah)
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
You know you keep your good friends close,
And your family closer.
But there is One who loves you the most,
He is your Heavenly Father.
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
(Try Jah Love... try Jah Love...)
Won't you taste and see,
That the Lord is sweet, His Love is so fine.
So won't you taste and see,
That Jah love is sweet, His Love is divine.
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
Some people will be nice,
And they take advantage of you.
(A fair-weather friend)
But He will never leave or forsake you,
He's with you till the end.
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
So try Jah love, wooh!
He will never let you down, no!
Come on everybody let's taste,
And see, that the Lord is good.
Come on everybody let's taste,
And see that the Lord is fine.
Come on everybody let's taste,
And see, that the Lord is good.
Come on everybody let's taste,
And see that the Lord is fine
(R.A. - 13.02.2013 pentru 14.02.2013)
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